Saturday, January 22, 2011

It's About Time!

After nearly three years of reading blogs on a regular basis, I'm so excited to be starting one of my own!  The first time I realized a thing such as a blog existed was when a friend posted a link to hers on Facebook.  I clicked on it and loved reading about her family.  It didn't take long to realize how many other people were out there posting about their lives.  I quickly developed a list of people I enjoy reading on a daily basis.  Whether they are discussing a new recipe, a new insight into their walk with Christ, or a neat place they have traveled, it is always interesting to catch a glimpse into the life of other individuals. 

I've always thought that I would like to start a blog of my own someday.... someday when I was married, had children, or even the prospect of these things on the horizon.  Thanks to the encouragement of my family (who can testify to the fact that I have plenty of zany stories to share) and a dear friend, I've realized my life is worth sharing right now.  I'm looking forward to keeping this as a journal of my life and my relationship with my Savior.